Residential district Gelderland

For a new residential area to be built in Gelderland, choices have been made regarding various sustainability aspects. One important aspect concerns the recycling of energy, nutrients and - as far as possible - water. Ideally, the wastewater produced by households should be treated in such a way that it can be safely discharged into the residential area. Logically, the residential area would be connected to an existing sewage treatment plant (WWTP). However, the required capacity is lacking there and there is no possibility of expansion.
Another possibility is the treatment of wastewater by another sewage treatment plant. There is both hydraulic and biological overcapacity here, so the wastewater flow can be treated without expansions. However, this would require a 2.5-kilometre-long pressurised sewer.
Our quick scan provides insight into the extent to which decentralised collection and treatment techniques can meet the sustainability criteria set. Key figures are used to provide insight into the costs of different treatment strategies.
Activities Desah:
- Scenario study